— For teams that need to handle a stream of issues over time.
This is an issue tracker intended for private use within a workgroup of 2-10 developers. The application can handle hundreds of issues but is ideal for scenarios where there are 10-50 open at any time. It provides several features:
- Tracking of individual issues through a set of states: open, next, in-progress, ready-to-test, closed, cancelled.
- Workflow is fully customizable with your own states.
- Issues can be assigned to one or more developers.
- Issues can be rated up and down in priority.
- Shows developer 'high scores' (number of issues closed).
- Includes basic schedule management with "today's work" pages.
Like most of the Iron Giant applications, the issue tracker uses email notifications to inform participants of the work done. When creating an issue tracker site, you should make it private unless your project demands full transparency. In realistic projects (such as Wikidot) you will need multiple levels of issue reporting. We recommend an Advanced Forum for user-level discussions (simple open/closed workflow) and this issue tracker for internal use.
The issue tracker app is based on the one used by the Wikidot team internally since July 2009.
Project status
This Iron Giant site is stable